Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Old Art

Today I decided to post up some old art from High School. (Click the pic for the full version.)

This was an India Ink Project for art class. Got the idea from a picture that was already made for the band.

These are mini flyers for the band I wrote about before. Toby Morse drew the picture originally and I printed them out in printing class. Took a pen, did some touching up, viola!

This was an album cover of a band and I liked the picture. I drew it with an ink pen and red marker. I don't know where the trees shadow is....

Pushead is an artist who did a lot of skateboard graphics. He did artwork for Metallica and some other bands as well. This was one of his skulls I drew with a number 2 pencil.

I believe Toby drew part of this. Punks n skins I call it!

I made a screen of this in printing class. I told all my friends to bring in white tee shirts and made a lot of shirts. I think I put it on jean jacket. This is a piece of card stock.

Last but not least, this is a plexiglass etching done in printing class. We took a piece of plexiglass, reversed your picture, cut it out with an exacto knife and then scratched the glass. Once the glass was scratched you run ink over it to fill the grooves.

As you can tell, I liked the Circle Jerks!

Just thought I would share these and maybe spark a few memories for the 3 of you reading!


  1. I remember seeing most of those. Good job on saving stuff from high school. I don't think I have anything left except yearbooks and a handfull of pictures.

  2. This is the one piece I remember the most. You were so proud of it. I agree w/ Alan on keeping your art from that era. I wish I would have kept things. Hell I didn't even keep my military uni's and keepsakes. It sucks now that I am an old man.
